191 research outputs found

    Dissecting Deep Language Models: The Explainability and Bias Perspective

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    PoliTeam @ AMI: Improving Sentence Embedding Similaritywith Misogyny Lexicons for Automatic Misogyny Identificationin Italian Tweets

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    en We present a multi-agent classification solution for identifying misogynous and aggressive content in Italian tweets. A first agent uses modern Sentence Embedding techniques to encode tweets and a SVM classifier to produce initial labels. A second agent, based on TF-IDF and Misogyny Italian lexicons, is jointly adopted to improve the first agent on uncertain predictions. We evaluate our approach in the Automatic Misogyny Identification Shared Task of the EVALITA 2020 campaign. Results show that TF-IDF and lexicons effectively improve the supervised agent trained on sentence embeddings.Presentiamo un classificatore multi-agente per identificare tweet italiani misogini e aggressivi. Un primo agente codifica i tweet con Sentence Embedding e una SVM per produrre le etichette iniziali. Un secondo agente, basato su TF-IDF e lessici misogini, è usato per coadiuvare il primo agente nelle predizioni incerte. Applichiamo la soluzione al task AMI della campagna EVALITA 2020. I risultati mostrano che TF-IDF e i lessici migliorano le performance del primo agente addestrato su sentence embedding

    Leveraging the explainability of associative classifiers to support quantitative stock trading

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    Forecasting the stock market is particularly challenging due to the presence of a variety of inter-related economic and political factors. In recent years, the application of Machine Learning algorithms in quantitative stock trading systems has become established, as it enables a data-driven approach to investing in the financial markets. However, most professional traders still look for an explanation of automatically generated signals to verify their adherence to technical and fundamental rules. This paper presents an explainable approach to stock trading. It investigates the use of classification rules, which represent reliable associations between a set of discrete indicator values and the target class, to address next-day stock price prediction. Adopting associative classifiers in short-term stock trading not only provides reliable signals but also allows domain experts to understand the rationale behind signal generation. The backtesting of a state-of-the-art associative classifier, relying on a lazy pruning strategy, has shown promising performance in terms of equity appreciation and robustness of the trading system to market drawdowns

    HATE-ITA: hate speech detection in Italian social media text

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    Weigh Your Own Words: Improving Hate Speech Counter Narrative Generation via Attention Regularization

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    Recent computational approaches for combating online hate speech involve the automatic generation of counter narratives by adapting Pretrained Transformer-based Language Models (PLMs) with human-curated data. This process, however, can produce in-domain overfitting, resulting in models generating acceptable narratives only for hatred similar to training data, with little portability to other targets or to real-world toxic language. This paper introduces novel attention regularization methodologies to improve the generalization capabilities of PLMs for counter narratives generation. Overfitting to training-specific terms is then discouraged, resulting in more diverse and richer narratives. We experiment with two attention-based regularization techniques on a benchmark English dataset. Regularized models produce better counter narratives than state-of-the-art approaches in most cases, both in terms of automatic metrics and human evaluation, especially when hateful targets are not present in the training data. This work paves the way for better and more flexible counter-speech generation models, a task for which datasets are highly challenging to produce.Comment: To appear at CS4OA workshop (INLG-SIGDial

    Quantitative cryptocurrency trading: exploring the use of machine learning techniques

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    Machine learning techniques have found application in the study and development of quantitative trading systems. These systems usually exploit supervised models trained on historical data in order to automatically generate buy/sell signals on the financial markets. Although in this context a deep exploration of the Stock, Forex, and Future exchange markets has already been made, a more limited effort has been devoted to the application of machine learning techniques to the emerging cryptocurrency exchange market. This paper explores the potential of the most established classification and time series forecasting models in cryptocurrency trading by backtesting model performance over a eight year period. The results show that, due to the heterogeneity and volatility of the underlying financial instruments, prediction models based on series forecasting perform better than classification techniques. Furthermore, trading multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time significantly increases the overall returns compared to baseline strategies exclusively based on Bitcoin trading
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